The Time Traveller's Guide to
Medieval England
UK Editions
The first edition of the book was published by The Bodley Head, an imprint of Random House (UK), on 2 October 2008 (ISBN: 0224079948). The total number of hardback copies printed and distributed was 12,549.
The first paperback edition of the book was published by Vintage, an imprint of Random House (UK), on 1 October 2009 (ISBN: 1845950992). It reached no. 6 on the Sunday Times paperback non-fiction chart in December 2009/January 2010. It sold more than 250,000 copies, making it one of the bestselling social history books in the UK of the last twenty years.
A new issue of the paperback edition was published by Vintage, an imprint of Random House (UK), on 21 October 2021 (ISBN: 1845950992).
The worldwide audiobook, narrated by Jonathan Keeble, was published by ISIS audiobooks on 13 April 2009. See the audiobooks page for details.
A large-print edition was published in both hardback (ISBN: 9781445855097) and paperback (ISBN: 9781445855103) by Windsor Paragon in 2011.
The UK ebook was published by Vintage Digital, an imprint of Random House (UK), on 29 February 2012 (ISBN: 9781448103782).
The Folio Society edition was published in 2013, with a new foreword by Professor Chris Dyer. It was illustrated by Robert Venables.
Overseas Editions
The first American edition of the book was published by Touchstone, an imprint of Simon & Schuster (USA), on 29 December 2009 (ISBN: 1439112894). The total number of hardback copies printed and distributed was 28,434 copies. It was then produced as an ebook in 2009 and published in paperback by Touchstone on 25 October 2011.
The Estonian edition of the book, translated by Ivika Arumäe, was published by Aripaev in 2014 as Ajaränduri teejuht keskaegsele Inglismaale (ISBN: 9789949523269).
The Complex Chinese edition of the book was published by China Times on 21 April 2014 (ISBN: 9789571359458).
A repackaged paperback of the Complex Chinese edition of the book was produced by China Times in December 2020 (ISBN: 9789571359458).
The German edition of the book, translated by Karin Schuler, was first published in hardback by Piper Verlag in 2014 as Im Mittelalter: Handbuch für Zetreisende (ISBN: 9783492056052). At the same time it was produced as an ebook (ISBN: 9783492966436). A paperback edition followed in 2015 (ISBN: 9783492307130).
The Russian edition of the book was published by Eksmo in 2015 as Srednevekovaia Angliia (ISBN: 9785040935321).
The Polish edition of the book, translated by Iwona Michalowska-Gabrych, was published by Wydawnictwo Astra in 2017 as W mieście, na dworze, w klasztorze. Jak przetrwać w średniowiecznej Anglii (ISBN: 9788365280220).
The Spanish edition of the book, translated by Tomás Fernández Aúz, was published by Capitan Swing in 2022 as Guía para viajar en el tiempo a la Inglaterra medieval: Un manual para todo el que visite el siglo XIV (ISBN: 9788412554083).
The Simplified Chinese edition of the book is due to be published by the Commercial Press, Beijing. The Japanese edition will be published by NTT.